Home is the first sanctuary for every child. The Safe place. The place where they can feel loved, safe and comforted. Where they begin their first exploration of the huge world, from looking at and recognizing the lights and the colors on the wall, to taking their first steps. The sights, sound, smells and the feel of the place becomes ingrained into their psyche as part of their earliest childhood memories.
Unfortunately, accidental injuries at home land millions of children in the hospital each year.
According to an Article in N-UAE, by Nick Webster, "
Accidents in the home are one of the most common causes of injury in toddlers, according to a report by medics at Latifa Hospital in Dubai.
The report drew similar conclusions to a recent report in Abu Dhabi that also found more than three quarters of child injuries happen at home.
According to international statistics, more than two million children under the age of 15 experience accidents in and around the home every year, for which they are taken to accident and emergency units.
Many more are treated by GPs and by parents and carers.
Fortunately, home injuries are largely avoidable through education and prevention. It is imperative that we take imperative preventive measures to make sure that our homes are Baby proofed and Safe for our little ones.
Here are 5 Basic Home Safety Tips, that will help your child.
1. Minimize all Electrical Risks
Make sure that all electrical sockets and devices in your home are secured or out of your child's reach.
Cover all electrical outlets, especially if you have toddlers moving or babies crawling around. Tape or otherwise secure electrical cords to the ground so your kids don't trip. Limit your use of extension cords, too and make sure none of the electrical devices like your phone chargers, or hair dryers or even charging ports are accessible to your child.
The Electric Socket Covers by Duma Safe are high quality and secure in their protection.
2. Remove or limit any Fire hazards.
Please Take steps to remove potential hazards and practice fire safety as a family.
Start by locking away matches, lighters and flammable liquids, Always supervise food as you cook, and store a fire extinguisher where you can reach it. Keep fabrics and other flammable materials away from heat sources. Also keep checking the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they function properly.
3. Childproof the Kitchen
From hot stoves to spoiled food, the kitchen includes numerous safety hazards.
Make sure your appliances like the oven, fridge, freezer, dishwasher and microwave are all secured with Locks.
Duma Safe has top notch multi purpose Over and Fridge Locks and Over knob covers.
4. Secure all Furniture to the Wall
Always use anchor kits or furniture restraints to avoid anything tipping over. Wall shelves can help you keep your home organized but they can be a potential hazard if they rip away from the wall and fall causing harm. Make sure that everything is firmly secured on the walls and keep checking on the fastenings regularly.
5. Secure Household Products in Locked Drawers.
Cleaning products, laundry detergent, and medications are potential hazards for children of all ages. Please make sure that all other potential hazards are inside a locked cabinet or on a shelf away from your child's reach. Ingesting any of them can be dangerous.
All the cupboards and drawers should be locked and secure. your child should not be able to access anything, even the toys, unless they are safe and are already placed out side.
Here is a Drawer Lock by Duma Safe that keeps your little one away from harms way
Even if you have smartly Baby proofed your home and taken all preventive measures, it is still important to be vigilant. Do not not leave your kids alone. Learn CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver in case of choking incidents. Always have a First Aid Kit ready and all emergency numbers, like the child's doctor, the local hospital, your own phone numbers and also those of a close relative or a trustworthy neighbor.